Concept and Idea

Contemporary music and performance includes exploratory creativity on form and color, interdisciplinary cooperation on humanities and sciences – ideas from our lives.

Combining dance and music in a scenic way is our constant process, mutual discovery is part of the development. The content is always a story, improvised or composed, developed from interdisciplinary cooperations on the humanities and natural sciences, ideas from our lives.

In our performances we communicate ideas on this broadly. Around the corner, down the street and right here. In different places and in their own way, but ultimately as it may have always been and always will be: through stories that are a part of the nature of all things.

Abstract art has the special power to connect people. Discovering new things together does not require any comment on current events for us and is therefore a part of life for no reason.

In this work, we notice that terms such as “ensemble”, “band”, “interdisciplinary project” each come from a certain genre and does not cover all our ambitions; so MOMENT is a “group”. Moreover is the combination creativity, improvisation, composition a form of freedom in every genre and every discipline, because..

The German word “Freiheit” (freedom) comes from an Indo-Germanic root and means “being among friends”. 

For us it means keeping a firm ground under our ideas, while collaboratively developing statements that reflect the political and social phenomenons. Those statements might be composed by us completely, or be based on works of others, but always with regard to our point of view. Together, we create improvisational formates to accomodate our thoughts. Clear concepts are therefore translated into playful abstractions, and so become entertaining. Is it an unrealistic utopia or a very real process? You can only find out by seeing us life. 

Why contemporary art?

Justifications belittle the matter itself, yet: was Mozart asked why he didn’t play Bach? Was Pollesch asked why he didn’t perform Shakespeare? Themes of the present must also be processed, sensually interpreted, and contextualized by currently living artists. The ultimate justification for our creation, we believe, is the things themselves – as a statement for a way of life, as conviction for meaningful action with our means, and in exchange with various other people in the world we are part of.