Meetings at Labor #3 Möbel (Furniture)

Performance with two projectors in a room with high ceilings.

Friday, 13th of January 2017, 19:30h @Labor 519 Essen

Gruppe Moment:

CHristian Börsing piano, Daniela Petry, contrabass


Dance: Tim Čečatka

Accordion: Ute Völker

Vocals and performance: Mascha Corman

Composition and concept: Florian Walter

The performance was financed and staged with the help of  “Gesellschaft für Neue Musik Ruhr e.V.”

It is about states in-between, their integrity and their integration in the dominating order. We replace the furniture with a blank canvas, a projector, and a few sound mobiles, for those who are especially sensible. Pine needles and stools will start moving in the flow of tones and sounds.

All of the participants (including the pine needles) will build a collective creature out of biological compounds, inspired by Dietmar Daths “Die Abschaffung der Arten” (“Canceling the Types”). Florian Walter will transform those compounds in the structure of a musical score, to mobile-ize the mission of the Evolution.